FrostMods is Coming Vary Soon. I just started Animating.
Second Off, Updates thing:
I've started doing All Animation and tweens in Macromedia Flash MX (Flash 6, Not MX 2004) and Mouth Animation, Coloring, And Rendering in Adobe Flash CS6. "Why use a Way older version of Flash?" You may ask, Well the Brushes in Flash MX are AMAZING, they messed up the Brushes in Every version after that and NEVER fixed it. I'm looking for Extensions for Flash cs3 and + to make the Brushes as good as they were in Flash MX so if you know any, Please PM me. Thanks. Unforchanalty I use Mac so i had to use CrossOver to get the Win version of Flash MX to work on mac and it crashes once in a blue moon but its still worth it.
Thanks Guys
How are they different? I always thought they stayed the same through all versions... hmm! Now I'm really curios! lol
In Flash MX (6) There was no smoothing so it looks better